Download Form
2. Shipping Notices
3. M.S Notice 24 of 2012
4. Download Form B (Application Form For Renewal / Duplicate / Replacement CDC)
General Instructions to Applicant:
1. Application to be filled by the CDC holder in own handwriting.
2. Use Capital Letters only.
3. Use Black/Blue ball point pen only.
4. Avoid over writing.
5. Specimen signatures should be strictly within the box without touching the boundaries.
6. Envelope containing the application should clearly indicate whether the application is for
Renewal / Duplicate / Replacement CDC, on the top left hand side in Block letters.
7. Applicable columns may only be filled and forwarded.
8. All individual applications must be sent in the given format. Application sent in any other format
or incomplete or not containing relevant documents or not filled by CDC holder in own
handwriting are liable to be rejected and non-refundable fee will not be adjustable for any other
9. No Application will be accepted in person.
10. No Fee to be paid for Renewal of CDC (CDC Sticker).
11. Renewal certificate will be given in the form of sticker, which the CDC holder may affix on
'Additional page for office use' in CDC. Original CDC is not to be forwarded to the Shipping
Master for Revalidation of CDC.
12. Application can be sent by Registered AD /
Speed Post / Courier service to any one of
the Shipping Masters, at the address
mentioned below :
(i) The Shipping Master ,Government Shipping Office, Nau Bhavan,
Ballard Estate ,Mumbai – 400 001.(Phone No. 022-2697971 / 2697972 ,
Fax No.
(ii) The Shipping Master ,Government Shipping Office, Marine House
Kolkata – 700 022 (Phone No. 033-2230517/27 , Fax No. 033-2210108,
(iii) The Shipping Master, Anchor
Gate Building,
III Floor, Rajaji Salai,
Chennai – 600 001, (Phone No. 044-5229674, Fax
No. 044-5268550,
13. Xerox copies of relevant certificates / documents, as applicable, shall be submitted by
the applicant, by self attesting their certificates and other documents, along with their
name in full and date of self-attestation there under.
14. For Duplicate and Replacement CDC applicants - Two passport size photographs (size 3.5cm X
3.5cm) in white shirt (in addition to the photo affixed). Name of the applicant should be written
on reverse side of the photographs.
15. Non-Refundable fee of RS1000/- for Duplicate& Replacement CDC, is to be paid through
Demand Draft from any nationalized bank in favour of Shipping Master, Mumbai / Kolkata /
Chennai payable at Mumbai, Kolkata or Chennai as the case may be, to be enclosed. Original
mutilated / torn / damaged CDC is to be enclosed for issue of Replacement.
16. Write your Name on the reverse side of the DD and Photographs.
17. All applicants are required to mandatorily register/update their seafarer's profile and copy of the
printout are to be enclosed with the CDC application, falling which their CDC application shall
be rejected.
Following Documents are to be enclosed alongwith the Application Form:
Note: All certificates copies are to be self attested.
A) For Renewal of CDC (For CDC Sticker)
1. Xerox copy of CDC
2. Copy of Seafarer's Profile
3. Copy of INDOS
4. Four stamp (3cm X 2.5cm) size photographs in white shirt - one should be affixed on the
application form. Photo in uniform is not acceptable.
5. One self Addressed Post Card with Rs. 5/- postage stamp affixed on it.
6. One self Addressed Envelope (size 5" x 12")with Rs. 50/- postage stamp affixed on it.
B) For Duplicate / Replacement CDC
1. Non-Refundable fee of Rs. 1000/- through Demand Draft in Favour of Shipping Master,
Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai payable at Mumbai, Kolkata or Chennai.
2. Attested copy of proper FIR (in case of duplicete CDC).
3. CDC in original (For Additional / Replacement CDC).
4. Xerox copy of CDC
5. Copy of Seafarer's Profile
6. Copy of INDOS
7. Four stamp (3.5cm X 3.5cm) size photographs in white shirt - one should be affixed on the
application form. Photo in uniform is not acceptable.
8. One self Addressed Post Card with Rs. 5/- postage stamp affixed on it.
9. One self Addressed Envelope (size 5" x 12")with Rs. 100/- postage stamp affixed on it.
10. Copies of Four basic STCW familiarization courses.
11. COC Certificate (If Any).